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" help others draw closer to God
and live an abundant life."


"One of the biggest struggles I have had in life has been with my time. Not enough time, it's not the right time, it's a waste of time, or I'm out of time...


As I look back now, I always seemed to find the time for the things I desired most, but when it came to God, I struggled with spending time with Him. 


When my 4th child became the focus of my time due to his desire to rebel or as I called it later (beat to a different drum), my time with God became more real. 

As I began to make time to meet with God and seek his help, my son's life and mine began to change. 

I found myself getting up earlier and earlier to make time with God, which eventually, became the best time of my day.


I prayed and thanked God for a new day and the new blessings and opportunities He provided; and as I spent time seeking God's direction each morning, I began to jot down little messages I felt God was revealing to me. Little did I know, God was using that time and those messages to not only change me and my son's life, but others as well. I wanted to make a difference. I didn't know what that meant, or how I would do it, but it felt right. So in 2011 I started sharing these daily text messages with my family and close friends. 1 message a day that took about 1 minute of your time. This became my inspired message...God a minute?

In 2021, a good friend of mine named Charlie Lindsey approached me and said "Jack, these 1-minute messages fit so conveniently in my life and many days they are exactly what I need to start my day." He said, "I would love to get these messages out to more people, what do you think?" and I replied, "Charlie, there are 1440 minutes in every day, I believe everyone can give God a minute."


...and the rest is history!


is to reach as many people as possible, provide encouraging daily text messages, and ultimately lead them to Jesus Christ. 

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